Pulp Alley Solo Deck - Captain America vs the Blitz Force

Captain America and Bucky are tasked with guarding a top-secret Allied conference somewhere in England,  Of course, the Germans have learned of this conference and have launched an attack hoping to capture high ranking Allied officials, including Prime Minister Churchill.

The Germans unleash a new, surprise weapon against the conference.

"Uh, Cap, what is that?"

Once she decided the conference held no further interest for our four-footer intruder, the game itself began.

The game was being played as a straight out brawl.  The plot point was the control of the building and thereby those attending the conference.  I was using a Cigar Box Battle Mat for the general playing area.

Cap and Bucky were developed as a Duo.  I have another version of both that I have as part of the team The Invaders.   The Blitz Force is a Mastermind league.  This league includes two Gangs.  I couldn't find anything saying you can't have more than one and I had the slots available.  

For the Pulp Alley Solo Deck you have to determine which side will activate first and draw a card for the first three activated characters.  

I decided to let the Germans activate first,  Cap's big feature is his brawling and the ability to throw his shield.  For Cap's shield throwing I use his shoot ability and the plastic Long Burst template.  The template is placed and any figures that the edge touches are attacked,  

Here is an example from another game:

The three figures that the template touches will be attacked by the shield.  If a figure was in the center to the template and not touched it would not be attacked.  The template represents the arc of the throw.

The Blitz Force was advancing through the forest so I was not allowing the template to be used until they were out of the trees,  He could throw directly at a person but any attack was against only that person.

Figuring that neither Cap or Bucky could do much against the enemy until they were within reach, it seemed to make sense to allow the Germans first activation.  

They advanced slowly through the trees, looking for a chance to launch their attack.

One thing I quickly realized that Cap and Bucky were at a decided disadvantage.   The German force was able to begin to envelop them so that multiple angles of attack could be used.  

Despite playing solo I figured that an actual player would exploit this and so did I.  Cap and Bucky had bad luck with both cards and dice rolls,  I realized that things were not going well when Cap,took multiple hits and began losing health.   Then he want down.  

At first he was able to recover and get up but was quickly put back down.

I allow Cap two chances to recover (to reflect the Super Soldier serum).  The first turn he failed recovery.  He also failed the second time and was out by turn 3.

Bucky now stood alone against the Germans.  I figured the best course of action was to begin falling back slowly and continue shooting as I moved.  Of course the card was:

The Germans began swarming and attacking Bucky.

Herr Stahl advanced upon the house.

And Bucky fell

Cap and Bucky were down and the Germans were able to secure the Allied dignitaries.  

What will happen?  Will the Allies lose the war because of this?   Only time will tell...

Just FYI, I had actually played these leagues before and Cap and Bucky beat the Germans.  Just an unlucky day for our heroes.


  1. Very cool. This is a good example of how it can go sometimes.

    It doesn't happen very often, but this is a good reminder that Leaders are not invulnerable. LOL

    THANKS for posting and sharing!

    Pulp Alley


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