
Showing posts from September, 2016

Pulp Alley - Captain America Game - Pulp Alley Solo Deck

Pulp Alley - Captain America Game – Solo Deck Game For those that may have read the other Captain America session report that I did, this game is not a follow up to that.   My plans for a follow up requires painting of more figures, as well as some terrain, so it may be a while before I get that one ready.   This game is another playing of the Captain America and Bucky league against the Nazi Blitz Squad.   I want to playtest the superhero ideas to ensure that they are super enough, but not too super so that things remain competitive.    Whether playing against an opponent or even playing solo, you want a good game! Captain America has been tasked with locating secret plans, hidden by the French Resistance, in this small coastal grouping of buildings.   Unfortunately for Captain America the Germans have captured the French Resistance and found out what they did with the plans (though not the exact location in the village). I...

Pulp Alley - Doc Savage League

I put together a Doc Savage based league for Pulp Alley.  It is based on being a flexible league.  I created Doc as the leader (obviously) and the other characters at different levels (Sidekick, Ally, and Follower) so that I can mix and match the league based on the scenario or situation.   

Doc Savage - A well dressed man...

Everyone tends to think of Doc Savage as the ripped shirt guy on the covers of the Bantam reprints and even the new, Wild Adventures of Doc Savage. While Doc did sport a ripped shirt or even shirtless in the original pulp covers, it wasn't always the case.  One of the ripped shirts on a cover       Also, looking at some of the interior art we see Doc and his aides wearing suits a lot.  I guess that while the ripped shirt look, may look like a man of action, I sort of like the classic, 30s look of the suit and tie.  He might end up with a ripped shirt by the end of the adventure, but I don't think Doc started the ripped clothing trend.  Of course anything is better than the Marvel comics vest that Doc wore

Pulp Alley Solo Deck - Captain America vs the Blitz Force

Captain America and Bucky are tasked with guarding a top-secret Allied conference somewhere in England,  Of course, the Germans have learned of this conference and have launched an attack hoping to capture high ranking Allied officials, including Prime Minister Churchill. The Germans unleash a new, surprise weapon against the conference. "Uh, Cap, what is that?" Once she decided the conference held no further interest for our four-footer intruder, the game itself began. The game was being played as a straight out brawl.  The plot point was the control of the building and thereby those attending the conference.  I was using a Cigar Box Battle Mat for the general playing area. Cap and Bucky were developed as a Duo.  I have another version of both that I have as part of the team The Invaders.   The Blitz Force is a Mastermind league.  This league includes two Gangs.  I couldn't find anything saying you can't have more than one and I had the slots availabl...