Pulp Alley - Brawl at Barango Fire in the East / NJ Con 8

On Friday June 10th I had the opportunity to run a game of Pulp Alley at Fire in the East / NJ Con 8 held in Edison, New Jersey. The game itself follows a previous game I ran a couple of years ago at Fall In. The Professionals, an organization of ex-military, have been hired to locate a missing heiress. In the first chapter they found themselves battling with the crew of Popeye and his sailors, while the evil Dr. Zin was able to secure the plot points. Fortunately Popeye realized that they were working for the same cause, and while he was unable to continue on the quest at this time, he was able to provide important information to Loyce. The opposing league would be Morgan's Raiders. Morgan Fantine is a mysterious figure that nobody really knows exists for real. Some say it is a woman and some say a man. Either way, this organization is know to "locate" and secure items of value. The basic goal of their group is th...