Wings of War and G-8 and His Battle Aces - World War 1 Pulp Fiction

Recently I watched the Blu-ray of the movie, Biggles: Adventures in Time. The movie does not resemble anything that Biggles of the books, written by W.E. Johns, experienced, at least in those I have read. Based on comments some people have made, the movie was nothing like any of the books. While the movie certainly takes liberties with the character of Biggles, and adds a science fiction element to it, I do find it a fun, enjoyable movie to watch. It reminded me of some of the old pulp stories. I am certainly no expert on the original pulp magazines. I began reading some of them when Bantam was doing the Doc Savage reprints. I frequented a lot of used book stores in those days (notice I say used, not rare) and was able to pick up a lot of Doc Savage books very cheaply. More recently several companies have put out reprints of pulps in various forms. Some are facsimile editions, that look just like the originals, including advertisements, and others are rep...