Fall In 2014 Pulp Alley Game
Fall In 2014 AAR Pulp Alley - Death Comes Unexpectedly! Each player was given a dossier. It contained information about the storyline, about their league, and other items of "flavor" This was the packet for The Professionals. They had various information that came from Conrad Cunningham, the man who hired them. They knew that Mary had hired a local sailor but not the name of him. A mysterious letter from a friend of wealthy Conrad Cunningham set things in motion. His discovery of a seemingly lost civilization was the catalyst that would propel events. The entire series of events was set in place my a rather cryptic article in a local newspaper. From there the information spread around the globe, reaching those that were good and evil. Mary Cunningham traveled to Guam via Clipper and there hired Popeye to transport her to the mysterious island. One of Mary's companions was mysteriously taken ill while at...